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The international language of food

Franco and I are settling in well to the boat. We think the owner is starting to really warm up to us. I was a bit worried for the first few days because he didn't speak to me at all, but only via Franco, which I thought was because of the language barrier. For those of you that know me well, the idea of thousands of miles chattering to myself could have led to all kinds of madness.

However, as the title of this post says - food is the universal language. The boss saw me making one of my breakfast specialities, of poached egg, raw spinach, bacon and avocado on toast for some crew. (some of which are in there 40s and never had a poached egg before!), I saw him gently eyeing it up, then the next morning. In perfect english. His first proper words to me... “Annie, please may I try your egg on toast”... FOOD! FOOD BRINGS EVERYONE TOGETHER! That was the start of our friendship. It all started with a poached egg. Since then, somehow I've become the chef, and not going to lie, I'm loving the compliments (Chef's hat grows bigger). We both love cooking, it's a great atmosphere and very relaxing.

Anyway. In the Coral sea now. No signal whatsoever. No flippin' dolphins either!

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